

*1 東邦大学医療センター大森病院消化器内科、*2 東邦大学医療センター大森病院臨床生理機能検査部
和久井紀貴*1、 松清 靖*1、 向津隆規*1、 丸山憲一*2、 住野泰清*1


 Recently, remarkable technological advances have been made in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for histological diagnosis of liver disease. Utilizing the unique features of each imaging modality makes it possible to establish highly reliable quantitative diagnostic methods for pathologic changes such as fibrosis and fatty liver, also referred to as hepatic steatosis. Despite these advances, ultrasonography(US) still has several unrivaled advantages, such as excellent spatial resolution for microstructures, visualization of pathological changes in real time, portability, easy operability, and low cost. Thus, US is a highly useful imaging modality in clinical settings. In this study, we review the status and challenges of the US diagnosis of hepatic steatosis, by focusing on the B-mode image.
