


*1江戸川病院運動器カテーテルセンター、 *2慶應義塾大学医学部放射線診断科
奥野祐次*1、 井上政則*2


 Studies have shown that angiogenesis may contribute to chronic pain by enabling growth of new unmyelinated sensory nerves along their path. In addition, angiogenesis is believed to contribute to the genesis of inflammation, and especially to its maintenance. From our prior experiences, over 90% of patients with musculoskeletal painful conditions including frozen shoulder, osteoarthritis, and others, have demonstrated abnormal neovessels. With the advent of new technology and skills in the field of interventional radiology, embolization of small abnormal neovessels becomes possible, and appear to be a potential target to treat chronic pain in musculo-skeletal conditions. In the present article we would like to share our experiences.
