びまん性肝疾患における超音波検査の優位性 ~ 病態に迫る診断・評価を手軽に、かつ繰り返し行える~


主題  超音波検査の優位性(CTやMRIなどの他画像と比較して)

~ 病態に迫る診断・評価を手軽に、かつ繰り返し行える~

*1東邦大学医療センター大森病院消化器内科、*2同 臨床生理機能検査部
和久井紀貴*1、松清 靖*1、丸山憲一*2、住野泰清*1

 Significant technological advances in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in recent years allow for a highly reliable diagnosis based on the specific features of each type of liver disease, such as quantitating the fibrosis or fatty tissue in the liver. On the other hand, ultrasonography has excellent spatial resolution, permits real-time imaging of fine structures, and offers many features that are useful in the clinical setting, such as portability, user-friendliness, and cost-effectiveness.These merits make ultrasound an unrivaled imaging modality. Here, we review the superiority of ultrasonography in diagnosing chronic liver disease.
