ASAHI Velouteの有用性


ASAHI Velouteの有用性

山本 晃ほか

 先端1.7FrのASAHI Velouteは、0.016インチのガイドワイヤーに対応し、より末梢へカテーテルを挿入する
ことが要求されるIVRに適したマイクロカテーテルである。ASAHI Velouteは、超選択的マイクロカテーテルで
栓物質や細径のマイクロコイルも使用可能で、腹部領域においてfirst choiceとされうるべきマイクロカテーテル

 The micro catheter, ASAHI Veloute, is a super selective catheter. It has a 1.7F top and allows for a
passage of 0.016″ guidewires. The micro catheter has a flexible and smooth tip which allows for a
physician to investigate difficult lesions. This device was also created to keep relatively large lumen for
delivery of various embolic agents such as gelatin particle, microspheres, and coil. The physician can
choose the ASAHI Veloute as a first choice in IVR of chest, abdominal, and pelvic lesion.
