


*1北海道大学病院放射線診断科、 *2同 内科Ⅱ、 *3市立札幌病院放射線診断科
作原祐介*1、 阿保大介*1、 曽山武士*1、 工藤與亮*1、
西尾妙織*2、 長谷川 悠*3

 Organ enlargement of the kidneys and liver induced by multiple cysts in patients with polycystic kidney and liver disease causes severe clinical symptoms, such as abdominal distension, cyst hemorrhage, and infectious cystitis. They affect on the quality of life and may sometimes become lethal for the patient. Organ transplantation is the only and decisively curative treatment, however, most of the waiting patients cannot undergo surgery because of shortage of the donor in Japan. We describe the roll of the interventional radiological treatment for the symptomatic patients with polycystic kidney disease.
