日立製作所社製最新移動型X線装置「Sirius Starmobile tiara airy」の使用経験


日立製作所社製最新移動型X線装置「Sirius Starmobile tiara airy」の使用経験
公益財団法人田附興風会医学研究所北野病院放射線科 谷 陽次、南川由樹、目川明弘、中村好貴

 近年、X線装置のデジタル化が進み、従来のIP(Imaging Plate)を用いたCR(Computed Radiography)方式から、FPD(Flat Panel Detector)を用いたDR(Digital Radiography)方式に移行しつつある。この時代の流れによって、移動型X線装置もDR方式に対応する必要があり、各メーカ様々な移動型X線装置が開発されている。
 今回、当院は日立製作所社製の最新移動型X線装置「Sirius Starmobile tiara airy」(以下:airy)を導入した。導入の経緯、および使用経験について報告する。

 In recent years, the radiography method has been shifting from the CR (Computed Radiography)method using the conventional IP (Imaging Plate) to the DR (Digital Radiography) method using the FPD (Flat Panel Detector), and the digitization of the radiography systems are progressing rapidly. With this flow of digitization in medical imaging, mobile X-rays also need to be digitized, and therefore; many manufacturers have been releasing various digital mobiles. This time, we as Kitano Hospital have introduced the latest mobile X-ray system “Sirius Starmobile tiara airy (hereinafter referred to as “airy”)” manufactured by Hitachi. In this paper, I would like to report the deciding factor of introducing airy in our hospital and our experience and practicality with airy up to now.