膿瘍および液体貯留に対する経皮的ドレナージ ─ 基本技術から困難症例への対処法まで─


─ 基本技術から困難症例への対処法まで─

田村 全、中塚誠之、井上政則、須山陽介、塚田実郎、小黒草太、陣崎雅弘

 Currently, as early removal and non-placement of postoperative drain become more mainstream, the importance of percutaneous drainage (PD) is getting higher. The purpose of this review article is to describe and illustrate the principle and various techniques of percutaneous abscess and fluidcollection drainage. By viewing this article, the readers will 1. Understand when you should perform percutaneous drainage or not. 2. Be able to choose appropriate device and imaging guidance. 3. Learn how to safely perform percutaneous drainage using basic technique and to manage the catheter. 4. Get further technique for drainage of the apparently inaccessible, challenging lesion.
